
Stop Fearing Fear:

Help For Panic Disorder

A powerful educational tool from ex-sufferer & BACP qualified Psychotherapist, Anxiety Josh, to help equip you on your anxiety & panic recovery journey.

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Learn more practical ways of overcoming

Anxiety & Panic Disorder

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Understand what's happening to you

Once we understand Anxiety and Panic Disorder, it becomes less scary & confusing.

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Take practical assignments

Discover healthy & accessible step-by-step ways to break your cycle of panic attacks.

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Gain lifelong tools, aiding recovery

Build confidence and do things you couldn't before, making your world a bit bigger.

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Get access to the private group 

Get access to an exclusive group for your course with frequent Q&As from Anxiety Josh.

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Are you constantly worried about how you feel? Feelings of dread and doom all of the time? 


Do you avoid places because you fear your feelings will get too much?


Do you experience the strange symptoms of anxiety, such as derealisation?



As an ex-sufferer, I thought I was going crazy...

My panic disorder started one day when I didn’t know what anxiety really was. Every day I would wake up more depressed and anxious, stuck in a vicious cycle.

I was not broken and neither are you

The biggest part of my own recovery was psychoeducation. This is not a replacement for therapy, but my course gives you a powerful educational tool to help you on your own personal recovery journey. Empower yourself to get your life back. Just like I did.

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Stop Fearing Fear:

Help For Panic Disorder


One course filled with tools to empower you.

Learn how to understand and overcome Anxiety and Panic Disorder by gaining tools to work through your own personal journey. With this course you will:

  • Gain lifelong recovery tools 
  • Complete practical assignments at home
  • Gain access to a supportive community

It’s time to nurture yourself like never before.

Module #1

What is a Panic Attack?

Module #2

What is Panic Disorder?

Module #3

Symptoms of Anxiety

Module #4


Module #4

Why do we get Panic Disorder?

Module #5

Safety Behaviours

 Module #6



Who gets the credit?

Plus three more full modules & more!

Anxiety advice that you can count on

Anxiety advice that you can trust

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 - SpecialisedPsychotherapist working with anxiety and panic, as well as authoring three global best-selling books on the subject. 

- Licensed: Registered with the British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy (BACP) and also an Anxiety UK approved therapist.  

- Qualified: MSc in Counselling Psychology with distinction at Keele University & PGCert in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy at Salford University.

Ex-sufferer: Once diagnosed with crippling anxiety, suffering from panic attacks, agoraphobia, health anxiety and generalised anxiety disorder (GAD), as well as intrusive thoughts and obsessive compulsive behaviours.

SpecialisedPsychotherapist working with anxiety and panic, as well as authoring three global best-selling books on the subject. 

Licensed: Registered with the British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy (BACP) and also an Anxiety UK approved therapist.  

Qualified: MSc in Counselling Psychology with distinction & PGCert in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.

Ex-sufferer: Once diagnosed with crippling anxiety, panic attacks, agoraphobia, health anxiety and generalised anxiety disorder (GAD).

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  • Lifetime access to my digital course anytime, anywhere, at your own pace.
  • Printable workbook for guided exercises
  • 30 day refund policy
  • Facebook group access for life (exclusive content & can discuss progress)
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